Sunday Prayers January-March 2024

 "The Church of the Warm Heart and the Open Mind"




WELCOME TO THE WEBSITE                                                          OF WALKDEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 


We are situated at the heart of the community, close to the crossroads  in the centre of town, between Walkden Gateway                                  and the Gill Medical Centre, opposite the Ellsemere Shopping Precinct.


As our Church Motto says, we seek to be                                            "a church with a warm heart and an open mind."

Some years ago the Church Meeting resolved that these fine words should be more than just a motto and so applied to register our church for Same Sex Marriages. Confirmation that we are legally authorised to conduct same-sex marriages was confirmed on the 21st of December 2016.

We were the first mainstream Christian Church in the City of Salford to offer this ministry.

We believe that for the Gospel to truly be "Good News"                          it must be a gospel of;

extravagant grace,

radical inclusion

and relentless compassion.                                                                            

To that end, we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds

and affirm that God`s love as revealed in Jesus Christ is for everyone and not just a chosen few.                                                                                                          You are welcome to join us for worship any Sunday morning at 11am and to get to know us better over a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. 




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Jesus didn`t reject anyone -

Neither do we - 

Whoever you are - 

Wherever you are on life`s journey -


You are welcome here!






Call to Worship


We gather together to worship

our loving, nurturing God,

who, like a mother,

knows us intimately,

loves us unconditionally,

teaches us the way we should go,

and comforts us in times of need.

Praise be to our God,

the Source and Sustainer of life!



Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


We join our hands in this family circle, Lord,

and raise our voices in thanks to You.

Because of Your great love, we know the love

of parents, child, brothers, sister.


You have done great wonders in the world,

yet You hear the prayers of each of us,

small as we are.


Your understanding is beyond our imagination,

but You care enough to listen to us,

and You understand our hurts and fears.


Your hand created the heavens, the stars, the moon,

and Your power keeps them in their places,

yet You still have time to touch our lives.


When our enemies threaten us,

when our selfish natures lead us into sin,

You are there to shield and guide us back to You.


When we are hungry or tired or lonely,

you provide us with food or rest or comfort.


You have even provided a wonderful future for us,

a future free from fear or pain or worry

where we will live with You forever,

together in the oneness of Your love.


We give thanks to You, the God of heaven,

our Abba whose love endures forever.


Lord, many of us read Your Holy Word
And are inspired, encouraged, and grateful.
But some of us are tempted to doubt
That Your grace could ever produce
these kinds of virtues mentioned there in our lives.

Some of us are tempted by resentment and unforgiveness
Because of those who have let us down.
Some of us are tempted to condemn ourselves for past failings,
and all of us remember times when we have fallen short.

Forgive us for doubt, resentment,
unforgiving hearts, self-condemning attitudes.
Remind us of your forgiveness, always available in Jesus Christ.

In spite of our failures and sin,
We trust in Your power to transform our lives.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus,
So that our lives may bring Joy to Your world
And Praise to Your Name.




The Lords` Prayer



Prayers of Intercession


Holy One,

we gather in your presence to give you thanks

and to celebrate the gift of your motherly love,

both gentle and fierce,

both strong and humble,

both kind and true.

Your love has given birth to the whole of creation,

supports and nurtures us,

cares enough to correct us,

and challenges us in ways that strengthen and transform us.

We offer you praise and thanksgiving

for your unfailing presence in our lives

and all of the blessings you so generously offer us.

Lord in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


Loving God, we thank you for the gift of motherhood and for the many

examples of faithful mothers in scripture, like Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth,

Mary, and Lois. We give thanks for mothers the world over. We celebrate

all those who have nurtured and cared for us, remembering especially,

birth mothers, adoptive mothers, surrogate mothers, aunts, grandmothers,

teachers, neighbours, and all women who have mothered us.

Lord in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


God of generations,

thank you for the gift of faith.

kindled and rekindled in us through the years.

And thank you for those what have taught us the faith

in sincerity and love.

Today, we give special thanks and praise for our church mothers,

the women who, like Timothy’s mother and grandmother,

steadily and without much recognition

teach a new generation of children about the love of Jesus.

And we celebrate the matriarchs

who build up with compassion and strong shoulders

young women and girls,

revealing a deep spiritual life and love

woven into the fabric of our church family.

Lord in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


God of compassion and joy,

we know motherhood is a wide spectrum

and our life together is big enough to stand in solidarity with all mothers.

For the seen and unseen grief and struggles of women and mothers,

we ache with you.

For the seen and unseen joys of motherhood,

we rejoice and celebrate with you.


May God bless all women on this special day;

in the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit,

One God, the Mother of us all.                                                 




The Dismissal


Go into your week,
knowing that you are embraced by the love of God;
a love that is sweeter and more tender
than any you have ever known.


The Grace






Call to Worship


God of boundless mercy and unfailing love,
our creator, saviour and redeemer,
as part of the body of Christ around the world,
as people called to live for You in the families and communities
and networks in which You have placed us,
we gather together to worship You:
to proclaim Your goodness and to offer our thanks and praise.


Meet us here, we pray.
Join our hearts in wholehearted worship.
Breathe Your word into our souls;
engrave Your covenant of grace into our minds and hearts.
Cultivate Your character in us,
inspire and shape us,
unite and encourage us,
that our lives may reflect Your love and justice to the world.



Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


God of all blessings,
source of all life,
giver of all grace:

We thank You for the gift of life:
for the breath that sustains life,
for the food of this earth that nurtures life,
for the love of family and friends without which there would be no life.

We thank You for the mystery of creation:
for the beauty that the eye can see, for the joy that the ear may hear,
for the unknown that we cannot behold filling the universe with wonder,
for the expanse of space that draws us beyond the definitions of our selves.

We thank You for setting us in communities:
for families who nurture our becoming,
for friends who love us by choice,
for companions at work, who share our burdens and daily tasks,
for strangers who welcome us into their midst,
for people from other lands who call us to grow in understanding,
for children who lighten our moments with delight,
for the unborn, who offer us hope for the future.

We thank You for this day:
for life and one more day to love,
for opportunity and one more day to work for justice and peace,
for neighbours and one more person to love and by whom be loved,
for Your grace and one more experience of Your presence,
for Your promise:
to be with us, to be our God, and to give salvation.                                                    For these, and all blessings, we give You thanks.


Merciful God,
Have mercy on our souls,
according to Your unwavering love;
according to Your abundant mercy
wipe away our sins and the guilt we have carried for so long.

Instead write on our hearts Your love
Your boundaries for our lives
Your salvation that sets us free from our sins.
To live the abundant life You have for each of us.


Lord we would see Jesus,
We would love Jesus,
We would follow Jesus
We would serve Jesus.

Create in us clean hearts,
Renew Your spirit within us.
Do not turn us away from Your presence,
do not take Your holy spirit from us.
Restore to us the joy of Your salvation,
and sustain in us a willing spirit.
Write on our hearts, Your love, O God,                                                                        Amen


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your loving kindness;
in your great compassion, hear our prayers.


We pray for the whole church,
all the people of God,
all who respond to the call of Jesus, ‘follow me'.


Wash us through and through,
and cleanse us from our sin.


We pray for our nation, for all the nations of the earth,
and for all who govern and judge.
Purge us from our sin,
and we shall be pure.


We pray for those who hunger, those who thirst,
those who cry out for justice,
those who live under the threat of terror,
and those without a place to lay their head.
May they hear of joy and gladness,
that those who are broken may rejoice.


We pray for those who are ill, those in pain,
those under stress, and those who are lonely.
Give them the joy of Your saving help,
and sustain them with Your bountiful Spirit.


Create in us clean hearts, O God,
and renew a right spirit within us.


We pray for those who have been bereaved
Give them Your comfort and peace.

We especially pray for… (named individuals in particular need)
We pray for… (particular issues in the news, community or church)

Lord Jesus,
You taught your disciples that unless a grain of wheat
falls into the earth and dies it remains just a single grain,
but if it dies it bears much fruit;
as we prepare our hearts to remember Your death and resurrection,
grant us the strength and wisdom to serve and follow You,
this day and always.                                                                                                Amen


The Dismissal


Go now, with God’s foolishness and weakness
as your only wisdom and strength.
Proclaim Christ crucified,
and seek riches only in the love of God’s Word and in zeal for God’s house.
May God’s just demands be your nourishment & delight.
May Christ be the power and wisdom of God to you.
May the Holy Spirit keep you, thought and word, in God’s good grace.


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.



The Grace






Opening Prayer and Call to Worship


Gathering for worship today,

we are like the crowd that lined the streets,

witnessing your entry into Jerusalem.


Some of us gather here, full of enthusiasm.

Some of us gather wearied by what life has thrown at us.

Some of us have come out of curiosity.

Some of us out of habit.

Some of us gather with great expectation.

Some of us with no particular hopes.


It is here, O God, that you meet us and greet us and, if we will allow,

it is here that you surprise us with your love and your grace.

So open our heavy eyes, and tired minds,

steal into our closed hearts and surprise us today with joy.



Prayers of Approach and Confession


Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you,

our Lord and our Saviour, our Servant and Friend.

We welcome you to this place, where your people have gathered.

We welcome you to our worship, we welcome you to our lives.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.


Blessed art thou Redeemer King,

for you reign sovereign in our hearts.

Hosanna in the highest. Blessed art though

O saviour of the world,

for you have saved us from ourselves,

giving yourself for us in love.

We greet you that we might learn of you,

we learn of you that we might love you.


Yet our love is lukewarm so quickly;

we forget you so easily;

we disown you so readily.

We are changeable in our devotion to you,

bending with the strongest wind, blown off course,

capitulating to our culture.

Lord have mercy.


We want you to help us, without our helping you;

we want your words of comfort, but not your words of rebuke.

Lord have mercy.

We want you to be nice, even if we are not.

We seek heaven hereafter, but worldliness now.

Christ have mercy, and grant us your peace.


Lord save us from our fickleness;

help us to stay the course, to stay with you,

to stand with you, and for you, and beside you.

Grant us your grace to overcome our sin,

grant us your Holy Spirit to enable us to follow you, Lord Jesus,

to have your compassion, your courage, your obedience;

that we might be strong enough to forgive others,

to love our neighbours, to strive for justice, to endure the cross,

and to conquer all things with love.

Help us o Father, to open ourselves to receive your Spirit,

and to walk with your Son;

that even we might be blessed in the name of the Lord;

that even we might sing, now and forever,

‘Hosanna in the highest!’


Hear this our prayer o God,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.                                                                                  Amen



The Lord`s Prayer



Prayers of Intercession


Christ, we pray that you would hear our prayers,

and graft in our minds the same mind that is in you,

that we might be vessels of your humility and grace.


Lord Jesus, you emptied yourself,

trading in the form of God for the form of a slave;

we pray for the Church, and all her people and ministers.

Form us into a Church that empties itself for others, and for you.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus, you were born in human likeness,

and found in human form;

we pray for the whole human family, for the nations of the earth,

and for all who live in the midst of disaster, famine, or terror.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus, even after humbling yourself in your incarnation,

you humbled yourself even to the point of death;

we pray for our nation, our leaders,

and all the people who live within these borders.

Bless us with your humility.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus your humility and your love for us

was so broad and deep, it cost you your life.

We remember those whom we love who have died,

and as you were highly exalted, may they rest with you in glory.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In your exaltation, O Lord,

you were given the name that is above every name;

we pray in your name for those who are poor,

those who are hungry,

and those who are hurting in any way.

Give them your grace.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We also pray, in your name O Lord,

for those who are sick (especially…);

give them the gift of healing, strength, and life.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


You humbled yourself in the manger,

and you humbled yourself on the cross;

and to you O Lord we bend our knee

with those above and those below,

to the glory of God the Father.                                                                                  Amen.



The Dismissal


Go out into the world in as God's people
and journey with praise on your lips.


Go out into the world as followers of Jesus
and join the parade of the broken, the lost, the hopeless,
for that is where Jesus may be found.


Go out into the world as the Spirit's peace
and share the warm breath of reconciliation with all you meet.



The Grace





Call to Worship

Christ is risen.
He is risen indeed.


Gathering Prayer


Lord Jesus Christ,
we greet You.

You knew the prison of fear,
the pain of humiliation,
the loneliness of rejection.
But You also found that love was stronger than fear.
Just as You came,
risen and unexpected
to those first friends of Yours
who went to the garden, anxious and fearful,
be with us now,
and touch us with Your peace.


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


God of power and love,
we give You thanks that You raised Your Son Jesus Christ from the grave,
that You caused His tomb to be empty,
that You gave hope by Your presence.


We thank You that the powers of evil
which seemed to overcome all light and goodness and love on Friday
were overcome on this day,
defeated in Your Son's rising.


We thank You that in Christ's rising,
we have hope for life before and beyond death,
inspiration for our lives as witnesses to Your grace,
comfort for pain,
and faith in place of fear.


We thank You for every sign of resurrection we sense by Your Spirit,
in nature as the seasons, slowly, turn,
in society, as Your kingdom makes its way,
in our lives, as anxieties give way to peace.


Gracious God,
we pray in sorrow for the ways we go wrong in our lives,
the ways we fail in our witness to Your love.
We have journeyed through Lent,
attempting to shape our lives around the compassion and courage of Christ,
yet we have heard in our hearts
the impulses of those who denied Jesus, betrayed Him and mocked Him.


Forgive us for the ways we have abandoned the path of love and justice.

Yet we trust in Your grace, Your forgiveness,
and Your acceptance flowing from the cross;
Your joy shared in resurrection life.


Help us to live lives liberated from guilt,
and inspired to follow Your risen Son.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


Lord Jesus Christ,
in this troubled and divided world where fear runs so deep,
hopes are so often dashed and dreams so often broken,
we remember today the faith in the future You brought to so many,
both through Your coming and through Your resurrection from the dead.

Lord, in Your mercy                                                                                                  Hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus Christ, a world is waiting, hurting, longing, searching for hope,
crying out for meaning, hungry for some reason to believe in the future.
Come again in Your living power, and bring new life to all.
We remember especially those places where there are real fears for people's safety, and for those places where people may have forgotten a time before fear,
such as ….

Help them and us come nearer a place and time without pain and mourning,
where there will be no more tears.


Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.


On this Easter Day,
we think of our families, perhaps far from here,
who are celebrating as we do but many miles apart.
Comfort all who miss family and friends at this time,
and help us feel united in faith and love.


Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus Christ,
we now name before You those people and situations
we are particularly conscious of:
friends and family members whose life seems to be running out,
all who are struggling with mental health,
anyone who seems imprisoned by the past,
who is fearful of rejection, or missing out, or what the future may hold;
all who are anxious over work undone, or not having enough to do:
come to them with the joy of your presence…




Lord, in Your mercy
Hear our prayer.


Eternal God,
before Your face the generations rise and pass away.
We praise Your name for all Your servants departed this life in Your faith and love,
and all whose wisdom and courage have led to the flourishing of our community.
Encourage us by the example of Your saints
that we may run with resolution the race which lies ahead of us,
our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith;
till we come at last, with all whom we have loved,
to the joy and peace of Your eternal presence;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.                                                                                  Amen.


The Dismissal


Dance, celebrate, sing, and shout for joy!

Christ is Risen and He goes before you,

into this world of fear and pain.


He has called you to bring the Good News

of healing and hope, of redemption.


Go in peace, and know the presence of the Risen Lord with you,

now and forever. 



The Grace







Call to Worship


Let us gather with hearts united,
drawn together by the bonds of faith and the spirit of unity.


As we enter this sacred space,
let us embrace the spirit of generosity and communal love,
just as the early Christians did in Jerusalem.


In this shared sacred moment,
let us open our hearts to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit,
who moves among us, binding us together in love.


Let our worship be a symphony of selfless love,
echoing the chorus of the early believers,
testifying to the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ.


May our worship today be a testimony
to the boundless hope,
joy, grace and faith that unites us,
over distance and time –

One body, one family, gathered in love.


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


Creator God,
as we come before You in prayer,
our hearts overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving
for the precious gift of unity and fellowship.


We thank You, Lord, for the bond that unites us as a community of believers.
Like the precious oil that flowed down Aaron's beard,
we acknowledge the anointing of Your Spirit,
covering us with grace, love, and the assurance of Your presence.

We are grateful for the refreshing dew, as on Mount Hermon,
symbolising the life-giving essence of our shared faith.
Your grace descends upon us,
bringing renewal, strength, and a sense of connectedness
that transcends our individual lives.


Thank You, Father, for the harmonious symphony
created when we, Your children, live for each other,
no matter our differences.
In our diversity, You weave a tapestry of love,
understanding, and compassion,
echoing the beauty of Your kingdom on earth.

As we reflect on the goodness of unity,
we offer our thanksgiving
for the moments of laughter, hope, happiness, togetherness,
of comfort, strength and the ability to share the weight of our burdens,
which is found in genuine fellowship.

Your presence among us, Lord, brings harmony to our gatherings
and peace and joy to our hearts.

May our gratitude be expressed not only in words
but also in our actions toward one another.
Empower us to love sincerely, to forgive readily,
and to bear each other's burdens willingly,
embodying the harmony that the Word we heard today celebrates.


Thank You, Lord, for the precious gift of unity –
a gift that reflects the essence of Your nature.
We are grateful for the fellowship we share
as brothers and sisters in Christ,
bound together by the love that surpasses all understanding.


Gracious and merciful God,
We come before You with humble hearts,
acknowledging the doubts that linger within us
and the moments when our faith wavers.

In the stillness of this sacred space,
we confess our shortcomings and seek Your forgiveness.

Like the disciples in the locked room,
we sometimes find ourselves paralysed by fear –
fear of the unknown, fear of inadequacy,
and fear of the challenges that lie ahead.

In those moments, we have doubted Your presence
and questioned Your plans for us.

Lord, forgive us for the times we have struggled
to fully trust in Your resurrection power.

Forgive us for the moments when we've allowed doubt
to overshadow the profound truth of Your victory over death.

In the spirit of Thomas,
we confess that there are times
when we demand tangible evidence,
seeking assurance in what we can see and touch
rather than trusting in the unseen reality of Your love and grace.


We repent of our limited vision
and ask for the faith to believe without always needing to see.
Grant us the strength to embrace the blessedness
of those who trust in Your word
without demanding visible proof.

Lord Jesus, just as You showed Your wounds to Thomas,
reveal to us the areas in our lives
where healing and transformation are needed.
Make us aware of the woundedness around us,
and guide us in acts of compassion, mercy, and reconciliation.


May the same Spirit that breathed peace into the locked room
breathe forgiveness and renewal into our hearts today.
Empower us to go forth with courage,
sharing the good news of Your resurrection
and embodying the love that casts out fear.


We offer this prayer in the name of the Risen Christ,
who continues to transform doubt into faith
and darkness into everlasting light.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession (Based on 1 John 1:1-22)


Gracious God,
as we lift our hearts in prayer,
we intercede on behalf of Your beloved children,
recognising the challenges and joys that shape our shared journey of faith.


We pray for those who, like the disciples, may be wrestling with doubt or fear.
May the light of Your truth dispel the shadows, bringing reassurance and peace.
Strengthen their faith and grant them the courage to walk boldly in Your light.


Lord, we intercede for those burdened by the weight of unconfessed sins.
May the spirit of confession and repentance bring healing and restoration.
Shower them with the assurance of Your forgiveness,
cleansing them from all unrighteousness.


We lift up those who long for genuine fellowship                                                          within the community of believers.
May Your Spirit foster unity, understanding, and love,
creating a bond that reflects the beauty of the fellowship                                            the early Church aspired to.
May our shared life be a testimony to the transformative power of Your grace.


We intercede for those who feel isolated or lonely,
yearning for connection.
Wrap them in the warmth of Your love
and guide us to be instruments of companionship and support.
May we actively seek out those in need and extend the hand of friendship.


Lord, we bring before You
the broken relationships within our communities.
Heal wounds, reconcile hearts, and inspire forgiveness.
May the love that binds us together overcome any discord,
and may our unity reflect the unity found in Your Triune nature.


We pray for those facing adversity, illness, or distress.
Embrace them with Your comforting presence
and grant them strength to endure.
Use us, Your church, as channels of Your love,
bringing practical help and compassion to those in need.


In our intercession, we remember those
who have not yet encountered the fullness of Your light.
Illuminate their hearts and minds,
drawing them into the fellowship of believers.
May our lives be living testimonies,
inviting others into the transformative relationship found in Christ.


And now Lord, we bring before You the names and situations
that lie heaviest on our hearts.                                                                               


Lord, as we intercede for these needs,
we place our trust in Your boundless love and mercy.
In Jesus' name, we pray.



The Dismissal


May the Spirit of unity hover over your hearts like a gentle dove,
knitting you together in the love of Christ.

May your bonds of fellowship be strong,
your understanding deep,
and your shared purpose unwavering.



The Grace





Call to Worship


Peace be with you.
Come and see the love God has given to us.
Come and see what it means to be children of God.
Come with this hope, that Christ’s presence is real.
With joy, we come to see the Lord.


Prayers of Approach and Confession


We thank you, God, for drawing us to this place and time
and for interrupting us with your gift of life in Christ.                                                  Whether we have heard the news many times over,
or are this day listening with brand new ears,
surprise us with your justice and righteousness,
that our lives might turn in the right direction;
startle us with your goodness and mercy,
that we might receive your empowering forgiveness;
stagger us with your hope and peace,
that our eyes will remain wide open as we leave this place,
wondering what you will be doing this week in our world and in us.


Miraculous God,
come to us now,
even as your Son came
to those first disciples.
Speak your peace to our hearts.
Touch us with your Holy Spirit.
Reveal your word,
that we may hear your message this day,
and live as your disciples
in the days and years to come.

God, You have told us to trust in you with all of our hearts.
You have told us not to lean on our own understanding.
And so we try to trust,
but we get very nervous when we don’t understand.
We don’t understand what you mean by
“This bread is my body.” “This cup is the new covenant in my blood.”
We don’t understand who will betray you
or why, or what that will mean for us.
We don’t understand how death is victory.
We don’t understand post-resurrection life–yours or ours.
We don’t understand why you ask us to stay here,
And we’re afraid we will somehow miss the power                                                      when it comes down from on high.


Assurance of Pardon


God is gentle with our doubts.

The Spirit offers us peace in the midst of our lack of understanding.

The One who created us leads us step by step into deeper trust.

Know your sins are forgiven in Jesus` name.                                                              Thanks be to God.                                                                                                  Amen.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


For your world and your children,

we bring our prayers to you,

God of love. 


For those who are misunderstood,

for those who are abused,

may there be loving care.


For those who have not known love,

for those who struggle to care,

may there always be another chance.


For those who live in fear,

for those who bring fear to others,

may there be justice and peace.


For those living with wounds,

for those confounded by death and loss,

may there be hope for new life.


For those who want to understand more,

for those who are content,

may minds and hearts remain open.


For your world and your children,

we open our hearts.

Hear our cries, and lead us,

through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord,



The Dismissal


You are witnesses
to the love God has poured out into your hearts.
You are witnesses of God’s love,
called to share it with each person you meet.
You are witnesses to everyone you encounter.

Step out into the world in humble confidence:

there is nothing about to happen that God has not foreseen,

and no situation where Christ will not be there ahead of you,

preparing a place and an opportunity for you.



The Grace 






Call to Worship


Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care. 


Prayer of Approach and Confession  


Good Shepherd,

help us to boldly proclaim your love,

lighting the way of your truth for all to see.

As we walk through green pastures,

beside still waters,

and even through the darkest valleys,

help us to go forth confidently.

For you are greater than our fears

and you know how to bring us peace.


As the world we live in seems to be a more fearful place every day,

help us to remember that you are with us.

Goodness and mercy may seem so elusive,

but we know that you have promised we will find

them in your house, if nowhere else.


Lord, we confess to you that there are times  

when we have  seen enemies in the faces of our neighbours…

the other, the refugee, the poor and the oppressed.

As you have prepared our tables, Lord,

Help us to turn enemies into friends.

Help us to desire a longer table,

where more can be welcomed in your name.



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


God of the Resurrection,                                                                                            we thank you for the time that we have to worship and praise together this day.            We praise you for the continuing gift of Easter,                                                            for the Spring that brings longer days and beautiful flowers.                                     


We pray for that same new life and vitality within our churches, Lord,                          that we may be energised to do your work.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


As you have been our shepherd, we pray for the shepherds within our own churches.    Those that keep watch, guarding your flocks.                                                            Those willing to go out and search for sheep in need.                                                  Bless all those willing to tell others about You. 


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for those walking daily on your path.                                                            On the days that the paths are straight, and the sun is shining,                                    it’s easy to follow you.                                                                                              On other days, when we’re walking in a dark valley, it’s more difficult.                        It’s during those times when we need you the most.


We pray especially for the sick, the elderly and bereaved:                                            that the Good Shepherd may give them courage                                                      and lead them beside the restful waters of healing and peace.


Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.                                                                        Amen.


The Dismissal


May you show the love of God in all you do.

Following the Good Shepherd,

welcome others with kindness, love, and humility.

Bring comfort to all,

making friends and not enemies,

wherever you go.


The Grace






Call to Worship  


O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

his steadfast love endures for ever!

Open to me the gates of righteousness,

that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.


The stone that the builders rejected
has become the chief cornerstone.
This is the Lord’s doing;
it is marvelous in our eyes.

This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his steadfast love endures for ever!



Prayers of Adoration and Confession


God of steadfast love,

we praise you for your love poured out in Creation,

in the glorious diversity of creatures,

in the splendour of the heavens

and the fertility of the earth.


We praise you for your love poured out in Jesus,

in healing and teaching, in signs and wonders,

in his humility and obedience,

in his death and rising again.


We praise you for your love poured out in the Spirit,

inspiring and guiding,

giving words and understanding,

building community and renewing faith.



We praise you for your love poured out on us,

God our creator, redeemer and spirit.

In this time of worship, may we abide in your love,

and share that love with those around us.


Loving God,

we confess that there are areas in our lives                                                              we would rather you did not see:

the blighted patches that we hardly notice,

the twisted thoughts that we have learnt to live with,

the fruitless stems of half-forgotten dreams.


In your incisive mercy,

prune us of our dead, diseased and damaged wood;

cut back our selfish growth,

clean us of unnecessary baggage.


Heal our wounds,

and train our new shoots into shape,

so that we may grow again in health and strength.

and bear much fruit.

We pray in the name of Jesus,                                                                                  Amen.



The Lord`s Prayer



Prayers of Intercession


God who hears the cries of the poor,

we pray for a world where everyone has enough to eat,

a safe place to live,

access to education and healthcare,

and dignity and respect for who they are.

Give us the courage to challenge the structures of inequality,

and to speak for those whose voices are silenced.



God whose word is to be preached to all nations,

we pray for evangelists, teachers and preachers,

for those reaching people in new ways and places,

for those who take risks for the sake of the gospel.

Inspire and uphold them,

so that all they do is rooted in your love.


God who plants, tends and prunes,

we pray for farmers and growers,

that they may balance the drive to maximise crops

with care for the long-term health of the earth,

and that they may be properly paid for their work.


God who commands us to love one another,

help us to abide in your love, and deepen ours,

so that we may make this church a safe and welcoming place

for all who are here, and all who are yet to come.


God who cares for each one of us,

We hold before you the people we know who are suffering in body, mind or spirit…

Bring your comfort and healing to them and to those who care for them.


We ask all these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.                                    Amen.



The Dismissal


May the love of God                                                                                                  flow around you,

among you                                                                                                              and through you.


The Grace






Call to Worship

In the embrace of faith, let love be our call.
Together, we'll lift our praise of grace and compassion,

a symphony of souls, embracing God's love in unison.
Let the Spirit bind us as brothers and sisters, where love unites us all,
for in our worship, and in our lives, we are called to love one another.


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


May gratitude for Your amazing grace
Transform every aspect of our being.


Gracious God,
Enliven our senses to recognise that everything is a gift of Your grace
and so enable us to perceive all of creation with wonder and gratitude.
Gazing upon Jesus, we are confronted with grace beyond our wildest dreams.
May His willingness to grant eternal life,
even while we were dead in our sins,
be the engine of our faithful response to Jesus' new command,
that we love one another.


May gratitude for Your amazing grace
Transform every aspect of our being.


Scripture dazzles us with how Your love and Your grace
explode across human barriers until they fill the whole world.
And so we give thanks:
For all the spiritual gifts, which we inherit through faith in Jesus.
For the Holy Spirit, who is alive, living and reigning within us.
For the world and all its resources, help us to tread lightly and share generously.
For our work and our hobbies, which add purpose and colour to our lives.                  For our families and friends, may we never take them for granted.
For those neighbours and colleagues we have yet to meet.
For those we find hard to love and for those who struggle to love us.
For the precious inheritance of culture and language,
help us to cherish these in order to bless our local communities and,                          ultimately, so we may contribute our voice                                                                to the praise of all nations in Heaven.


May gratitude for Your amazing grace
Transform every aspect of our being.


May our gratitude fuel the enthusiasm with which we respond to Jesus' call
to become disciple-making disciples,
baptising all who will receive His overture of grace
and teaching them to believe all that He has commanded.


May gratitude for Your amazing grace
Transform every aspect of our being.


Lord of Salvation, we are privileged to be called Your friends,
even Your children.
The rivers, the seas, and all creation testify to Your power,
and it does our hearts good to join that chorus.

We confess, though, that we resist Your call
and turn away from Your command.
We choose to align ourselves with some people while neglecting others,
as if Your love were not meant for all.
We allow tradition to order us
rather than opening ourselves to Your law of Love
and the new work You are doing.
Our faith is fleeting, and our lives do not bear lasting fruit.

In Your new-every-morning mercy, forgive us, we pray,
that as free people we might joyfully follow Your Spirit's leading.                              Amen.


The Lord`s Prayer

Prayers of Intercession


God of love,
in whom we abide in love,
with whom we serve in love,
by whom we love one another,
we bring our prayers for others,
for our world, for our nation, for our neighbours,
in solidarity and hope.

We pray for those around the world
affected by the great challenges of our time:
injustice, climate change, conflict and division.
May Your love overcome fear and distrust,
nurturing partnerships of hospitality and welcome,
seeking to build a world of peace and hope,
of sustainability and harmony.


We pray for communities
ravaged by injustice – economic and social,
that the work of those promoting justice for all
would bear fruit, bringing new hope,
that all might sing a new song to the Lord
and rejoice together.


We pray for leaders,
those given responsibility to make decisions on our behalf,
in councils and parliaments, boards and trusts,
that decisions would be made
through the lens of love and care, compassion and thoughtfulness,
seeking the benefit of all, not just the few.


We pray for Your Church,
local congregations and national Areas,
that all would seek to live out their faith with authenticity and grace,

letting the love of God, expressed in action and kindness,
be our witness, without fear or worry.


We pray for families
whose lives have been overturned:
by conflict, seeking refuge and asylum,
that they would find welcome, support and a new start;
by poverty, seeking to feed and warm their families,
that they would retain their dignity;
by ill health,
seeking healing and restoration amidst an overstretched health system.


We pray, God of love,
in one breath lamenting situations that seem out of our control,
and with the next breath in joyful hope
for You lead us, a resurrection people, into the future,
abiding in Your love.
May we, in whatever way we can, inspired by Your love for us,
be Your hands and Your feet transforming the world about us,
one act of faithful service at a time.


The Dismissal


Children of God,
as you go from here to grow the kingdom of God,
may you do so in love.
As you go from here to share the love of God
with all whom you meet,
may you do so, knowing that God loved us first,
God loves us still, and God always will.



The Grace






Call to Worship (based on Psalm 47)


Clap your hands, all you peoples;

shout to God with loud songs of joy.

For the LORD, the Most High, is awesome                                                               

a great king over all the earth.

God has gone up with a shout,                                                                                the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.

Sing praises to God, sing praises,                                                                              sing praises to our King, sing praises.

For God is the king of all the earth;                                                                            sing praises with a psalm.

God is king over the nations;                                                                                    God sits on his holy throne.


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


Almighty God,

We come today reminded of your greatness and glory,

your sovereign power and eternal purpose

all expressed so wonderfully in Jesus Christ, our Lord, Risen and Ascended.

We thank you for the wonder of Ascension,

that marvellous yet mysterious moment in the life of the Apostles

which left them gazing heavenwards in confusion yet departing in joy.


We thank you for the way that it brought the earthly ministry of Jesus

to a fitting conclusion; signifying his oneness with you,

and demonstrating your final seal of approval on all that he had done.


We thank you that through his Ascension

Jesus is now set free to be Lord of all:                                                                        No longer bound to a particular place or time,

but with us always, able to reach even to the ends of the earth.

We thank you that through his departing Jesus prepared for his coming again:

through his Spirit, his Church, and his coming again in glory.


Gracious God,

Forgive us for so often failing to grasp the wonder of Ascension,

for living each day as though it had never been.

Forgive the smallness of our vision, the narrowness of our outlook,

the weakness of our love, the nervousness of our witness,

our repeated failure to recognize the fullness of your revelation in Christ.

Give us a deeper sense of wonder, a stronger faith,

and a greater understanding of all you have done.


Father God,

Like the Apostles, we too will never fully understand all Ascension means.

We accept, but we do not fully understand.

We believe, yet we have many questions.

Help us, despite our uncertainty, to hold firm to the great truth

that the wonder of Christ Jesus goes far beyond anything we can ever imagine,

and in that faith may we live each day

to his glory and honour.



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


You are free, Lord, your Ascension has set you free:

free from the constraints of human existence,

outside the limitations of time and space; free to be here with us now,

in our worship and fellowship; and free to be with us always;

for in your freedom you have bound yourself to us with a promise:


“Lo! I am with you always

even to the very end of time.”


We pray, Lord, for those who need to feel you close,

who need the assurance of your love,

the encouragement of your Spirit.                                                                            [Silence]

We pray for those who are persecuted, who are discriminated against,

who are mocked because of their faith or race or colour.                                              [Silence]

We pray for those who are imprisoned, who are tortured,

who are exiled, because they have fought, struggled and spoken out

for the rights of their people.                                                                                    [Silence]

We pray for those who are destitute, who are hungry,

who are refugees, because of the selfishness and apathy of the world.                        [Silence]

We pray for those who are filled with guilt, who are broken-hearted,

who are perplexed, because a relationship has gone wrong.                                      [Silence]

We pray for those who are feeling fed up, who are in discomfort,

who are afraid, because they are ill in body, mind or spirit.                                          [Silence]

We pray for those who are numbed, who are angry,

who are desolate, because they have been bereaved.                                                  [Silence]

We pray for those caught up in war and violence,

and hatred; especially the innocent victims of these evils.                                            [Silence]

We pray for those who have lost jobs, those who struggle to pay bills,

and those who have the power to affect positive change.                                            [Silence]


Be with us all, Lord:

in all our daily struggles as we seek to follow you.

Be with us all, Lord:

in our periods of doubt and despair;

and in our times of happiness, health and loving.

Be with us all, Lord:

until that time when in your in your Kingdom of Love

our joy will know no end. 




The Dismissal (based on Psalm 93)


As you go from this place, remember this:

Our God reigns!

He is robed with majesty and armed with strength.

His kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting.

He holds our world and our lives securely.

So do not be afraid,

but go from here with confidence,

knowing that the God who goes with you

is greater and more powerful

than anything else you will face this week.


The Grace









Call to Worship

The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when the flames of faith dance in our hearts.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when our babbling speech becomes the Good News for the world.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
the day when compassion is seared into our souls.
The Day of Pentecost is here:
let the people of God rejoice.



Prayers of Thanksgiving, Confession and Petition

Lord God, thank you for this day of Pentecost
when we celebrate the coming of your promised Holy Spirit.
We give thanks that in eons past you poured out your Spirit on the earth,

fashioning men and women in your image
to enjoy the wonders of nature you had created;
that you kept rescuing us from ourselves despite our foolish ways
and our lack of understanding of what it means to be your children.

Lord, we give you thanks that you have kept your promises throughout the ages,

even when you despaired of our ever grasping the importance of placing you first in our lives and that you took steps to show us the futility of our actions.

At Easter, through your Son, Jesus the Christ, you were glorified;
At Pentecost, through your Holy Spirit, you set the early church on fire
and led the disciples into the world to preach your Word.
May all praise and worship be yours!

On this Pentecost Sunday, we confess to You, O Lord,                                                  our division, for we are not gathered together as Your people in one place;

our fear of the rush of your Spirit in our lives                                                              and what it might call us to do or to be;                                                                    our desire for a monolingual society, even when you allowed the early church to transcend all language, not favouring one over another;                                              our actions that can be like the crowds that taunt and torment,                                    mocking those who are filled with your Spirit                                                              that burns like fire and rushes like wind.

On this Pentecost Sunday, O Lord help us to let down our barriers to your Spirit;          guide us to live with joy, abandon, and faithfulness;                                                 

and create in us new hearts to be new people who worship only You.                         

Spirit of the Living God, dance with us on this day.
Come, Whirlwind of Wonder!
Sing to the groaning of creation.
Come, still small voice of Hope!
Enflame us with your passion for justice.
Come, Liberator of the Least!
Purify us of our grasping greediness.
Come, Advocate of selfless living!
Silence our gossiping tongues.
Come, Harmony of God's Heart!
Wind of God, blow through us;

Fire of God, burn within us;
Tongue of God, speak to us on this day of renewal and birth.

These our prayers we offer in Jesus name,



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

Loving God,                                                                                                            We ask for the gift of your Holy Spirit                                                                        to help us pray as we ought.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

We ask for the energy and vision of your Spirit                                                          for those who are tiring in the battle against injustice and oppression:                          for those exhausted by the struggle with poverty and hunger.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

We ask for the hope and comfort of your Spirit                                                        for those whose lives are overshadowed by illness or pain;                                          for those whose lives are darkened by sorrow or bereavement.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

We ask for the peace and joy of your Spirit                                                                for those living in the shadow of war and violence;                                                      for those eaten up by guilt and anxiety                                                                      and whose Christian life has become hard and dry.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

We ask for the guidance and strength of your Spirit                                                    for those uncertain how to use their time, talents and gifts;                                        for those tempted to do what is wrong.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

We ask for the love and courage of your Spirit                                                            for those reaching out to comfort the distressed;                                                        for those reaching out to others with the Good News of Christ.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.


Loving God,                                                                                                            We ask for the assurance of your Spirit                                                                      to know your presence with us in our daily lives:                                                      in our relationships;                                                                                             

in our work and service;                                                                                          in our worship;                                                                                                        in our times of joy and pain.

Holy Spirit: Help Us.

In Jesus’ name:



The Dismissal

In your moments of chaos                                                                                        God is with you.                                                                                                      In your moments of call                                                                                            God is with you.                                                                                                      In your moments of life.                                                                                          God is with you. Alleluia!                                                                                          Go as a Pentecost people,                                                                                      touched by fire,                                                                                                        stirred by wind,                                                                                                        to mend the world.                                                                                                  Alleluia!


The Grace



Call to Worship

Let us worship the One

who spoke in the beginning

and created something out of nothing.


Let us worship the One

who took on the clothing of humanity

to set those who were oppressed free.


Let us worship the One

whose Spirit rests continually upon us,

calling us from sorrow-filled endings

to bright new beginnings.


Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving and Confession

O Holy God,
like Isaiah the prophet, we stand in awe of Your glory,
feeling tremendously small and polluted by our sin,
and the sin of others.
Even so, as You touch us with Your burning presence,
we rejoice that we are made clean and whole.

O God, our Creator, continue to build this household of faith                                        into what You want us to be.
O Christ, our Saviour lead us to do as You will.
O Spirit, our power, strengthen us for the work of Your Kingdom.

O Blessed Trinity, fill this place and these people with Your presence.
Lead us into the world You love, so like us it will be filled with Your glory.

Almighty and everlasting God, we give You thanks that You revealed yourself                as Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and that You live and reign in the perfect unity of Love.
Lord, we worship You in the splendour of Your holiness.

You give strength to Your people and You bless them with peace.
We are ever mindful of the gifts You have given us and pray that we may use them to advance Your Kingdom.
We thank You for the knowledge that we may always come to You in prayer,
as we seek to do Your will, and that we are never alone.

Living and loving God,
We acknowledge that in our experiences of death,                                                      it is so easy for us to lose sight of You.
We know much about earthly things, but so little about heavenly things.

We stand in Your presence, O God, and become all too aware of our sins                      and shortcomings.
In confessing them, we thank You for the remarkable provision You've made to touch our lips and cleanse our hearts.
We are sorry for settling for a temple filled with Your glory,
when it is Your desire to fill the world with it.
Help us not to limit or restrict the reach of Your all-embracing love.
As we ask for Your help, we hear the cry of heaven for our help.
In response, we gladly say, ‘Here am I, send me!'
May more and more people see that God so loved the world                                        that He gave His one and only son.
And in so doing, He didn't come to condemn, but to save.

We ask all of these prayers in the name of the Son,
that we might know the love of the Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

Heavenly father, we come before You now with our prayers for our world.
Creator God, look around the beautiful and bountiful world that You have created,
giving thanks for the good gifts that You have given us.
Remind each of us of the role we have in caring for Your creation
and change the hearts of those who seek to destroy the beauty of the earth

for their own gain.

Encourage those who seek climate justice and those who work                                    to restore our land, rivers and seas.
Creator God, help us work together to heal Your earth.

God of the sick, we think of all of those who are struggling                                          with poor physical or mental health.
Draw alongside them that they may know Your healing love.
We pray for all of those who work in healthcare.
Grant them strength and wisdom for every challenge they face.
Be with those who walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Walk with them, comfort them and bring them Your peace.

God of peace, we look around our world and see war and destruction.
Bring peace to every situation that knows the torment                                                and uncertainty that war brings.
Protect those who are fleeing from violence and conflict;
grant them safe passage and help them to find welcome and acceptance     

wherever they find a home.

Eternal God, we pray for our churches locally, nationally and around the world.
Let them be a light in the darkness                                                                            and beacons of hope in situations that seem hopeless.
As we give thanks for those who have nurtured us,                                                    help us to sow seeds of faith in others.
Help us to reach out to those in our communities                                                        who have yet to know you for themselves.

Living God, You know our every thought.
We bring before You now the situations that are known to us                                      and the people that we love most.

Be with us as we journey together, through highs and lows.
Grant us wisdom to speak into the situations that need to hear our voice
and be with us in the silence when words fail us.

We pray for all of these things in Your holy name.                                                      Amen


The Dismissal

Keep looking away from the world to Jesus,                                                              who alone is your redeemer and provider.

Keep looking to the world                                                                                        that it may be transformed by Your presence through us.

Keep looking to your own hearts,                                                                              so that you will say daily, ‘Here am I, send me!'

The Grace



Call to Worship

We come to worship, we come to hear:                                                                      speak, Lord, your servants are listening.                                                                    Despite the siren voices around us, we are here:                                                        speak, Lord, your servants are listening.                                                                    In the Babel noise of our world, we come to hear You, O God:                                      speak, Lord, your servants are listening.


Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving and  Confession

We know, O God, that you search and know us,                                                          that no one, not even ourselves, knows us as well as you do;                                      you discern our thoughts even when we are far away from you,                                  you journey with us in our coming and going, our resting and our sleeping.                You knit us together in the womb, and we praise you                                             

for your fearful and wonderful creation; a creation that includes even us!  

We give thanks that we belong, body and soul, to you,                                                the  One who gives us breath, who is our comfort in life and death,                              and has redeemed us from the powers and principalities of this world                          and frees us from the evil that seeks to drag us down.  

We give thanks that we belong, body and soul, to you,

the One who gives us breath and so we no longer live for ourselves but for Christ,        taking comfort that we belong to Him,                                                                      yearning for the resurrection that is to come, when we will be made whole.  

We give thanks that we belong, body and soul, to you,

the One who gives us breath who calls us to follow in the everyday things of life,          to perceive what eyes don’t fully see,                                                                        to listen to what our ears don’t normally hear,                                                            to dream what the human heart struggles to imagine - the world that is to come,

when all will be free and creation will be made whole.          

Yet we know, O God, that we try to flee from your Spirit,                                            to block our ears when you speak.                                                                            We prefer the noise of our world to the calm of your Breath.                                        We try to take the wings of the morning                                                                    and settle at the farthest reaches of the sea.                                                              We try to flee from you by making our bed in Hell,                                                      and yet you are there, waiting for us to turn back to you.     

Forgive us, O Holy One, when we turn from you,                                                        remind us of your loving kindness, and assure us, always,                                          of the power of your love, found in weakness,                                                          defying even death, restoring us to wholeness.                                                          Amen.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

We bring our prayers for the world, the Church and those we love to Most High,

who hears us even as we long to hear God.

Eternal One, we bring to you places of pain in our world,                                            where your voice is drowned out by hate;                                                                where guns and missiles, tanks and soldiers, drones and bombs                                  banish the cool whisper of your calm.   

Speak your peace, O God, in Gaza, in Israel, in Ukraine and Russia.                           

We hear the hatred too, Most High, away from the battle field;                                  in our political life here and around the world rhetoric is weaponised,                          diversity denied, and narrow identities trump the richness of our culture.                            

Speak your peace, O God, to our political leaders and candidates,                            that public service will again be honourable. (Silence)

Risen Lord Jesus, we bring you the Church terrible as a mighty army with banners,

yet suffering with neglect, bemused by cultural change,                                              and living with self-imposed wounds.                                                                                                    

We pray for those who have been hurt by the Church,                                              those abused by clergy and Christian institutions,                                                      and those denied a place at the table for how they love.

We pray for those who lead the Church,                                                                  charged with hearing and responding to your voice

in a time and culture they don’t fully understand,

that through the noise they hear your voice,                                         

and follow where you call. (Silence)

Most Holy Spirit, we pray for our culture,                                                                  giving thanks for the rich diversity of our world,                                                          and for your work in stirring consciences to action.                                                      Help us listen for where you are at work – and then join in!

We pray too, O Comforter, for those we know and love                                                who are in any kind of need. (Silence)

We offer these prayers, O Most High,

in the name of Jesus,                                                       



The Dismissal

May the One who calls you in the night and the day,                                                    the One who encourages you to do courageous things,                                                and the One who inspires you through the everyday things of life,                                call, encourage and inspire you, that you may follow.


The Grace



Call to Worship


Come sons and daughters,

mothers and fathers,

sisters and brothers and aunts!


Come grandmas and grandads,

uncles and nephews,

nieces and neighbours and friends!


Christ calls us together as parts of one Body,

for worship and service and praise!


Let us worship God together!


Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving and Confession

Heavenly Father, you call us like a good parent to you to guide and protect us,            to nourish and lead us.

Brother Jesus, you call us like a caring elder brother to serve us and help us,                to cheer us and invite us.

Healing Spirit, you call us and move us ever closer into fellowship with you                  and each other.

Faithful God,

we come into Your presence with thanksgiving,

deeply grateful for the unfailing love and faithfulness

You have shown toward us, Your people.

When we call out to You, You answer.

When we are exhausted, You give us the strength to go on.

When we find ourselves in trouble,

You are there, standing beside us.

And so we come before You gratitude and praise,

offering You the worship of our hearts and lives.

Open our eyes to see and know You here among us;

open our ears to recognize Your voice.


Like unruly children we strain at your guidance, we try to break away and do it ourselves. We feel our strength and imagine to be all powerful.                                    We rejoice in our life and imagine ourselves to be immortal.                                      We know our talents and want to be independent rather than depend on you.

Before we know it, we are in the grip of other powers, leading us away from your loving ways into the slavery of selfish greed, adoring false gods of youthfulness, materialism and power.


Lord, forgive us and free us.                                                                                    Open our eyes how your wisdom knows true leadership to be service.                          Open our hearts that we may learn that neither race or tribe, culture or religion are barriers to separate us but that we are all one family in your love.                              So open our hearts and minds to learn again to live your love                                      as we celebrate and worship you here together.

In Jesus name we pray,



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

Heavenly Father, you call us to be your friends and to make friends of others,

to recognize in them our brothers and sisters, your family in Christ.                        

So we pray for ourselves and for the world and its people:

We pray for all areas in the world where deep divisions run between ethnic groups because of race, religion or past history.                                                                                                   

Lord, help your people to be your friends and to make friends,                                    your family in Christ.


We pray for our communities where different traditions                                            shape different outlooks on things.                                     

Lord, help your people to listen well to each other                                                      that we may learn to live together                                                                            knowing that though different we are your family in Christ.

We pray for our own families, where growing up is difficult,

where harsh words spoken in anger are not easily taken back,                                    and hurtful or thoughtless actions are endangering relationships.                                                                                                                               Lord, empower your children to be patient, slow to anger                                            and to become wise in their speaking and acting as your family in Christ.



The Dismissal

Brothers and sisters of Christ, go into all the world!
Go forth with forgiveness and grace.
Go forth with compassion and love.
Go as Christ’s family
for all the world to see.


The Grace



Father’s Day Call to Worship  (based on Psalm 103)


Come, bless the Lord with me!

For the Lord is like a father to his children

compassionate and merciful,

filled with endless love.

He forgives our sins,

and heals the sickness inside us;

he surrounds us with love and mercy

and fills our lives with good things!

Let us worship God together!


Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Loving God, we come on this Father’s Day,

reminded that you are the Father of us all.

You have been with us from our birth,

guiding, nurturing and sustaining us.

Father God, we praise you.


You have taught us and brought us to maturity,

always concerned for our welfare,

constantly seeking the best for us.

Father God, we praise you.


Whenever we have needed you, you have been there,

willing to listen and advise,

yet giving us the freedom to make our own choices

and find our own way.

Father God, we praise you.


You have called us to be your family,

a people united through your son, Jesus Christ,

and through him you have revealed your love,

a love that reaches out to us day by day

despite our failure to love you in return.

Father God, we praise you.

Teach us to live as your children –

to hear your voice,

obey your instruction,

and respond to your goodness.

Father God, we praise you.


Teach us to bear your name with pride,

to share with others,

through word and deed,

the joy you have given us.

Father God, we praise you.


And finally, receive our thanks,

for the fathers you have given us,

all they have meant to us,

all they have given,

and all they have done in so many ways.

Father God, we praise you.


O God, Father that you are,

you know what is right for us,

but too often we only want our way or no way,

instead of your way.

Have mercy upon us when we turn from you.


Forgive us when we do not realize

your fatherly love and direction for us.

Have mercy upon us indeed,

and teach us anew how to follow you,

Father that you are.

We pray this through your Son,

our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,                                                                            Amen.


The Lord`s Prayer



Prayers of Intercession


Gracious God,

You know the joy of fatherhood and also the pain,

for you witnessed the life and death of your Son,

and you see each day the triumphs and tragedies of us,

your children.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


In Jesus you experienced the delight of being a father –

as you watched him grow and mature into adulthood,

as you saw him baptised in the Jordan,

as day by day he responded to your guidance,

faithful to the very last –

a beloved son with whom you were well pleased.

Yet you also experienced agony –

in the horror of the Cross,

the pain, the humiliation,

and the sorrow he endured for our sakes.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


In each of us you find pleasure –

when we pursue what is good,

when we honour your commandments,

when we seek your will and respond to your guidance.

But we cause you also so much pain –

 through our weakness,

 our repeated disobedience,

 our deafness to your call and our rejection of our love.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


Gracious God,

you know the joy and the pain of fatherhood,

and so now we pray for fathers everywhere.

Help them to appreciate both the privilege

and the responsibility they bear,

and teach them to give freely of themselves

so that they may discover the happiness,

 the fulfilment and the inexpressible rewards that fatherhood brings.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


Give them wisdom, patience and dedication,

and grant them strength to persevere

when children bring tears as well as laughter,

anxiety as well as hope, pain as well as pleasure.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


Reach out, we pray, to all fathers in such circumstances –

those who question their ability to cope, or fear they have failed;

those striving to offer support, or feel they have nothing left to give.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love.


And finally, hear our prayer for children

who on this Father’s day feel pain instead of joy –

those whose fathers have died, those orphaned as children,

those who have been mistreated, rejected, abused,

and those from broken homes who barely see or know their fathers.

Lord God our Father, reach out in love,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.                                                                              Amen.


Benediction for Father’s Day (based on Psalm 103)


As you go from here, remember this:                                                                    God’s love is from everlasting to everlasting,

from generation to generation.                                                                                  Just as a father has compassion on his children

so God has compassion on those fear him,                                                            who listen to his voice, and who do his will.                                                          Go out in the knowledge that the everlasting love of God goes with you.


The Grace



Opening Prayer

Mighty God, who speaks a word of peace to calm our troubled sea;
Caring God, who nudges us away from fear and toward faith;                                      Ever-present God, who fills us with awe
but also raises many questions
without easy answers;

Open our eyes to see you in our boat—today,
Strengthen our hearts for the challenges that lie ahead,
Open our ears this hour to hear the word you would speak.

This we pray, In Jesus’ name.                                                                                    Amen

Prayers of Approach and Confession

Lord God of all Creation, we thank you that we come to you                                        from our storm-tossed lives to seek your peace;                                                        we thank you that we can come to you with our questions and uncertainties,              our worries and anxieties, we thank you that we can come to you with joy and our happiness, each emotion a kaleidoscope of our feeling in life’s changing patterns.

More than all of that, we thank you that we can come to you because of what you have done for us in the love of Christ, who bought our freedom by his sacrifice on the Cross and showed us new life in his resurrection life.                                                           

We bless you for the love which has no dimension of length breadth or height, coming as it does from the perfection your being. We come to you knowing that sometimes we have received your grace in vain.

We have not relied on your word or wisdom;                                                              we have not shown any concern or compassion when we should have;

we have not loved our neighbour as we love ourselves.

We have remained silent when we should have spoken

and spoken when we should have been silent.


We seize the moment to ask you from our discordant lives 

for yet another chance of hearing you say to us ‘Your sins are forgiven.’

May the mark of that forgiveness be your grace in us

as we respond with grace and gratitude to your love.

Eternal God as we ask that you accept our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord,

we pray that from the grace we have received, what we say and what we do will enable those around us to glimpse the life of the your Son -- who calmed the storm with words which still echo down the centuries, ‘Peace be still’.                         



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

In faith that the living God hears us when we call to him                                            and that he cares about the needs of his world                                                          let us pray for his help and strength now, on this day of salvation.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ

facing the turbulence of persecution and oppression.                                                  We pray that they will find the hope and strength they need                                      to keep firm in their faith.

We pray for all people facing the turbulence of war and terrorism.                                We pray that the forces of angry violence may be restrained by the rebuke of those calling for a calm and peaceful resolution of differences.      

We pray for those facing the turbulence of fear, pain and illness.                                We pray that above the raging voice of suffering in all its forms                                  the calming voice of the one who heals may be heard and obeyed.


We pray for ourselves in the times when we face drowning                                          in the turbulence of doubt.                                                                                        We pray that our faith may grow in strength so that we can proclaim to others       

the power of Jesus to overcome the darkness of this world.

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers offered to you today                                              out of the turbulence of this your fractured world.                                                    Renew our faith and grant us again a vision of the world as you meant it to be

when you laid its foundations at the dawn of time.               

Hear our prayers, offered to you in the name of your son,                                            our Saviour, Jesus Christ.                                                                                          Amen.


The Dismissal

Go now into a world beset by storms of worries and fears.
Go to the far side of despair,
bringing God's hope to all huddled on that shore.
Go now into all the places where people are afraid.
Set out from the shore of your comfortable lives,
bringing the good news of Jesus' grace to all.
Go now to the distant shores torn apart by violence and oppression.
Set out with the Spirit as your guide,
crying out to all,                                                                                                      "Peace! Be still!”


The Grace



Call to Worship


Loving God,
we are yours.
We come as we are,
with our cares and concerns.
We long to touch you
and find healing in your embrace.
Strengthen our faith
and heal our brokenness,
that we may worship you with joy. 


Prayers of Adoration and Confession


Loving God our creator,                                                                                            as the Psalmist called out to you in adoration, so do we.

For all the times you have lifted us up:

forming us in our mother’s womb,

filling our lives with signs of your love

surrounding us with grace,

we sing out in remembrance of your holiness.


Loving saviour, Jesus Christ,

for all the times you have lifted us up:

sharing our human nature,

teaching and healing all who came to you

surrounding us with grace,

we sing out in remembrance of your holiness.


Loving Holy Spirit,

for all the times you have lifted us up:

coming to us as helper and comforter,

strengthening all those who need you

surrounding us with grace,

we sing out in remembrance of your holiness.


Yet at times we have forgotten your grace and your love,

hear, O Lord, and have mercy on us.

Do not let our fear of failure fill our hearts

but help us to know that you are our helper who can clothe us with joy.

Assurance of Pardon


The Holy God comes near to each one of us;

God’s grace can turn weeping to dancing as we hear God’s words:

‘Child, your sins are forgiven – be made whole.’                                                          Thanks be to God.                                                                                                    Amen


The Lord`s Prayer



Prayers of Intercession


The Psalmist tells us: Weeping may spend the night, but joy comes in the morning (Ps 130v6)


All-holy God,

we thank you for the joy of your healing presence,

and we pray for those who most need to know your healing this day.

God who hears…bring healing, bring joy.


We pray for those who weep in frustration,

as our planet continues to be threatened

due to selfish exploitation by the human race.

God who hears…bring healing, bring joy.


We pray for those who weep in fear,

as warfare ravages lands and homes,

and peace seems impossible.

God who hears...bring healing, bring joy.


We pray for those who weep in pain,

as they wait for treatment or hope for a breakthrough.

God who hears...bring healing, bring joy.


We pray for those who weep in anger, as they fail to find meaningful work                or as relationships break down.                                                                                    God who hears...bring healing, bring joy.


We pray for those who weep in despair,

as they feel that no-one listens and no-one cares.

God who hears...bring healing, bring joy.


Weeping may spend the night, but joy comes in the morning.


We pray for those who bring healing, joy and hope to others.

Help us to find ways to serve the needs around us,

And bring us, at the last, to the eternal morning of your joy with all your saints in heaven, through our Saviour Jesus Christ.                                                                  Amen.


The Dismissal


Go, confident in the knowledge of God’s steadfast love for you,
assured of the healing touch of Jesus upon you                                                          and emboldened by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit within you.



The Grace



Call to Worship

When they said: Let us go to God's House,
Our hearts were filled with joy.

And here we are, in the place of God's dwelling:

Jerusalem, City of God, centre of worship.
All are invited here to worship, praise and give thanks
To the name of God.

Let us worship within these walls
and praise the God who calls us here.


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Confession


Truly God, You are above reproach.
You have gifted us a world in which to live
that provides all that any of us need.
We can stand in awe at the beauty and bounty around us.

How can we ever match up to this?
How can we even begin to grasp
Your generosity?
Your grace?

For all that You have given us
we are truly grateful,
humbled even.
We bow before You in awe
and wonder.
Gracious, generous God,
accept our thanks and praise.

God of the past and of the future,
when we look back
may we look forward too.
When we dream of the past,
may those dreams still shape our future.
May our faith be rich enough
to see through, past golden eras,
knowing that You haven't finished
with us yet:
We shall still be a community,
we shall still find a new song to sing,
we shall still believe
You make all things new.

Forgive us for when we get things wrong,
relying on our own, and forgetting
to be guided and inspired by Your story.

Help us to look forward,
learning from the past
inspired by Jesus in the present
and guided by Your spirit into the future.

We are part of something quite extraordinary –
We are part of Your story:
past, present and future.

Accept our prayers,
in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.


The Lord`s Prayer

Prayers of Intercession

Heavenly King,
we pray for our world,
which needs a servant king
to wash the feet of those
who have forgotten
what it is to be touched:
the lonely,
the forgotten,
the ridiculed.

Hear us.

We pray for our world,
which needs a unifier
to bring together those who are enemies
and those who have been forgotten:
the hungry,
the well-fed,
the rich,
the poor.
Hear us.

We pray for our world,
which needs to remember
whose we are
and what we have been called to do,
and whose we have been called to be:
Hear us.

We pray for the world,
which needs leadership
to renew our covenant with You
and to refresh our memories
of how we got to be here:
the long path,
the falling in,
and the falling out,
the journey through our living.
Hear us.



The Dismissal

May the past
be the beginning of the future for you.
May the faith
be the beginning of eternity for you.
May the way
be all the steps that led you here.
And may love
be the guide that takes you further.

May the God
of the past, present, and future,
be the God of today
and tomorrow and yesterday,
and may we look back to this point in time
and know God has been here,
and leads us on.

The Grace



Call to Worship


Creator God for the wonder of your world, we praise you,

with hearts and hands and voices.


Compassionate Jesus for your unconditional love, we praise you,

with hearts and hands and voices.


Cajoling Spirit who unsettles and challenges us, we praise you,

with hearts and hands and voices.


With hearts overflowing with gratitude,

with hands active in care for others,

with voices raised in praise and worship

We meet together in your name.


Prayer of Approach and Confession


Loving and faithful God,

we come into your presence rejoicing.

To sing your praise,

to hear your words of acceptance

to share your all-inclusive love.


Be present with us in this time together as we come to worship you.

Knowing that we are called to walk the way of Jesus

we come just as we are and experience your welcome here.


Living Jesus, You show us that God is love:

You love with a love which reaches to all people;

with a love which keeps no record of wrong;

with a love that never ends.


Console us where we feel sad;

come close where we are lonely;

forgive us where we are feeling guilty;

reassure us where we are anxious.

Speak our names in the voice we recognise as the one who made us,

who knows us inside out;

and cares for us more than any other,

the one who has promised never to leave or let us go.

So that in this we may go from here comforted, pardoned,

strengthened and cheered, better able to serve you in your world

and to live in the fullness of life that you give us and all people everywhere.               Amen.

The Lord`s Prayer

Prayers of Intercession

We pray for all who speak out fearlessly

for truth and justice, knowing that they may pay a heavy price.

Be with them, Lord, as inspiration and friend.


We pray for those who recognise what is just and true,

yet succumb to pressure

from those who would see goodness destroyed.

Be with them, Lord, as encourager and beacon of truth.


We pray for those who are overwhelmed

by a thirst for vengeance,

and seek a violent solution.

Be with them, Lord, as prick of conscience and victor of evil.


We pray for the friends and families

who grieve,

when the courageous voice of truth is silenced.

Be with them all, Lord, as fellow sufferer and eternal comforter.


We pray for our church communities

that we might shine with kindness and love,

acceptance and welcome,

for all who serve

and discern your future.

We pray for people of peace and good will

to resist and fight against all that divides us,

to see goodness and love

and much to applaud in your world.


We pray for our homes and neighbourhoods,

our workplaces and streets,

remembering especially those who are struggling,

experience difficulties and go unnoticed.


We pray for our world,

for places of conflict,

for those leading cruel and unjust regimes,

for all who work for peace and fairness.


These prayers we offer in the name                                                                      and in the spirit of Jesus,   



The Dismissal

Go into God’s world to resist injustice.

Go into God’s world to speak of peace.

Go into God’s world to walk gently.

Go into God’s world to discover Jesus all around us,

in the life you live and the love you share.


The Grace



Call to Worship

If you arrive here hungry for more of that divine bread which feeds your soul,

then I welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I, your minister, may sometimes disappoint you, but he will not.

His grace is sufficient for all your needs.


Jesus says: “I am the bread of life.

Those who come to me shall not hunger,

and those who believe in me shall never thirst.”


Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving and Confession


O Bread of heaven,
come down.
Come down and fill us with your Spirit,
for your Spirit satisfies like no other.
We hunger and thirst for you this morning
and long to be nurtured
in your love and forgiveness.
So we come to this sacred time and place,
where our hungers are finally and fully satisfied
as only your bread can do.


God of our hopes and dreams,
we give you thanks that when we are empty you long for us to be filled;
when we are hungry, you long for us to be fed;
when we are lost, you long for us to be found.
We thank you that you gather us into your love,
and pick up the pieces of our lives,
just as Jesus gathered up the fragments
of the five loaves and two fish
that remained after feeding the five thousand.
Call us anew to eat our fill
and to find our true nourishment in Jesus,
the bread of heaven.

God, you loved this world so much

that you sent your own son, Jesus Christ

to live and die among us,

in order that we might have life.


Forgive us for keeping that abundant life to ourselves,

for jealously hoarding your generous gifts,

for choosing self-interest over compassion and justice,                                for clutching the bread of life in our own hands                                           

while others hunger for your filling

Teach us what it means to live as children of the light,

generously sharing your abundance

with our brothers and sisters in need. 

These prayers we offer in Jesus` name,



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


Loving God,

You are our Creator and Sustainer.

When You open Your hand,

You satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

And so we look to You whenever we are in need,
trusting in Your love and Your abundant goodness.


As You once fed the hungry crowds with five loaves and two small fish,

we ask that You would again fill those who are empty this day.

Pour out Your Spirit on all who hunger and thirst.


We pray for those who are physically hungry—whose stomachs are empty.

We think especially of those who are facing critical food shortages;

who are suffering the effects of malnutrition and starvation;

and watching helplessly as loved ones die.


Lord, in Your mercy, open Your hand.

Pour out Your Spirit, so that they may be filled. 


We pray for those who are empty emotionally—

who are lonely and long for companionship and love,                                  who are caught in the grip of depression, or overwhelmed with grief.


Lord, in Your mercy, open Your hand.

Pour out Your Spirit, so that they may be filled. 


We pray for those who are spiritually empty—

who are troubled, but don’t know where to turn;

who long for purpose and meaning, but don’t know where to look;
who need You, but do not yet know You.


Lord, in Your mercy, open Your hand.

Pour out Your Spirit, so that they may be filled. 


God, we praise You for Your abundant gifts in our lives.

Pour out Your Spirit on us as well.

Fill us with Your compassion and love,

so that we would willingly share some of our abundance

with those who have need.


Lord, in Your mercy, open Your hand.

Pour out Your Spirit, so that we may be filled.


We pray in the name of Jesus Christ,

who came so that all of humanity might come to know

the abundant life that comes from You.




The Dismissal


If you have found some of the good bread of Christ here this day,

then do not hesitate to share it with others.

For this is the bread that increases the more it is given away,

and nourishes us best in the presence of goodwill and laughter.


May the love of God

which gives life to the world, sustain you;
May the bread of life, Jesus Christ,

feed you with the food that endures to eternal life;
May the power of the Holy Spirit

nourish and strengthen you in faith.



The Grace