Sunday Prayers April 2023

 "The Church of the Warm Heart and the Open Mind"




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We are situated at the heart of the community, close to the crossroads  in the centre of town, between Walkden Gateway                                  and the Gill Medical Centre, opposite the Ellsemere Shopping Precinct.


As our Church Motto says, we seek to be                                            "a church with a warm heart and an open mind."

Some years ago the Church Meeting resolved that these fine words should be more than just a motto and so applied to register our church for Same Sex Marriages. Confirmation that we are legally authorised to conduct same-sex marriages was confirmed on the 21st of December 2016.

We were the first mainstream Christian Church in the City of Salford to offer this ministry.

We believe that for the Gospel to truly be "Good News"                          it must be a gospel of;

extravagant grace,

radical inclusion

and relentless compassion.                                                                            

To that end, we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds

and affirm that God`s love as revealed in Jesus Christ is for everyone and not just a chosen few.                                                                                                          You are welcome to join us for worship any Sunday morning at 11am and to get to know us better over a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. 




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Jesus didn`t reject anyone -

Neither do we - 

Whoever you are - 

Wherever you are on life`s journey -


You are welcome here!



Call to Worship

(from Psalm 118:1, 27-28; Matthew 21:19)

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
God’s steadfast love endures forever!

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

The Lord is our God, and has given us light;
Great is our God, and we give thanks to the Lord.
Hosanna to the Son of David!

Hosanna! Save Us, O God. Hosanna!

God’s steadfast love endures forever. 


Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving & Confession

(Based on Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29)

Living God,
today we give thanks, as we should, and as we must.
For You are a good God; Your steadfast loves lasts and lasts and lasts.
We see it in the beauty of this day.
We know it in the warmth of welcome

in this Christian family.
We feel it in the blessings of singing Your praise

and reflecting on Your love.
We believe it in the message of salvation,
that Christ is here, and now, and real.

Yet this is the Christ the world will reject;
this is the cornerstone that will be torn down
so that the building of hope, and wellbeing,
and righteousness is threatened with destruction.

This is the Christ the world will take, and crucify
and seek to get rid of for good.

Yet, this is the very Christ who will rise again,
the very Christ through whom we will find
Your forgiveness, and acceptance,
and a beginning again for us.

"Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord."

Hear the blessing from this very house of God,
from the depths of our being, from the core of our faith.
Hear and hear and hear again – that we are grateful;
that we are made new;
that we are thankful we are loved by our God.

So, with the Psalmist,
we give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
We give thanks to the Lord,

that His steadfast love endures for ever.
We give thanks to the Lord,

as we should and as we must.                                        Amen.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession

Living God,
in the image of Christ's entry into Jerusalem

when the Passover was coming,
we see all the people around Him,
just as we have countless numbers who crowd into our thoughts as we turn to You in prayer.

So, as Christ placed Himself in the midst of the crowd,
let us be aware of the centrality of that same Christ to the people for whom we pray,
that they, and we, might know they are close to our Lord and that He is always with them.

We pray, with the excitement of the children,
for all who celebrate today: the newness of a birth;
the fresh start of a marriage;
good news about their health;
the success of a task;
a new way love has been expressed and felt.
Let our voices join with theirs, as we shout, "Hosanna! Christ is here!"

We pray, with loyal disciples,
for those who show their commitment,
who prepare for Jesus' presence,
who give their cloaks for His service,
who make the way clear so that others can follow the procession.
Let our voices join with theirs, as we shout,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

We pray, with the people in the crowd,
for those who watch and wait:
for the ‘not so sure' people;
for the silent majority;
for those who have little to celebrate;
for the many who don't see the point.
Let our voices not drown out their silent prayers,
but, in being aware of their needs,
let our prayers carry their yearnings to our Lord.

We pray, with those who know nothing of this,
who live with anger and not expectation,
with pain and not Hosannas,
with scepticism and not acceptance.
Let our voices not condemn them

but pray for them and with them.

For the unknown, yet needful, people we pray,

as we look beyond the crowd and see those who stand in need of our prayers this morning.

We name them now in the quietness of our own hearts….


Let us be aware on this day of rejoicing
that many cannot or will not rejoice.
But let us also be aware,

that Christ comes into the midst of all of this,
to understand, to be fully present, to dies and to rise,
for each and every one of them.


The Dismissal

We have gathered with the crowds crying Hosanna!

Because even if we were silent

the stones themselves would have called out.


We have shared the hope for a world

about to be changed,

and then it changed.


We have walked with another crowd.

One that called words of scorn and condemnation.


And now we follow the crowd as it leads out to the cross,

and yet even as the world grows dark,

we cannot lose hope.

Because God is with us.

God will be with us.

Whatever happens.

We are not alone.

And so we watch the crowd and we follow...



The Grace



Call to Worship


Alleluia! Christ is Risen!                                                  He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!


Rejoice, heavenly powers!   Sing, choirs of angels!

Exult, all creation around God’s throne!

Jesus, our King, is risen!

Sound the trumpet of salvation!                                      Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!


Rejoice, O Earth, in shining splendour,

radiant in the brightness of our King!

Jesus has conquered! Glory fills you!

Darkness vanishes for ever!

Rejoice, heavenly powers!  Sing, choirs of angels!


Rejoice, O holy Church! Exult in glory!

The risen Saviour shines upon you!

Let this place resound with joy,  as we sing,

echoing the mighty song  of all God’s people!



Prayers of Approach, Confession and Assurance of Pardon


Risen Lord Jesus, we celebrate this day.

May we know Your joyful presence in our time of worship.

Help us as we look to share something of the light, joy, peace and hope of Easter.


Loving God, with the Psalmist we praise Your majesty.

Oh give thanks to God who is so good,

to God whose steadfast love endures for ever.

Oh God, You are our strength and our might.

You have become our salvation.

Open to us the gates of righteousness

that we may enter through them,

and give thanks to You, our God.

Give us light.


And God, may that light shine through us,

illuminating those things that are wrong in what we do,

what we say, how we live.

Forgive us our failings.

Help us to live as a forgiven people.


We remember that the Scriptures tell us:

if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just

and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 

Thanks be to God.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


In joy and hope let us pray to the Father.
That our risen Saviour may fill us with the joy of his
glorious and life-giving resurrection …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That isolated and persecuted churches
may find fresh strength in the good news of Easter …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That God may grant us humility
to be subject to one another in Christian love …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That he may provide for those who lack food, work or shelter …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That by his power war and famine may cease through all the world …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That he may reveal the light of his presence to the sick,
the weak and the dying,
to comfort and strengthen them …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That, according to his promises,
all who have died in the faith of the resurrection
may be raised on the last day …
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

That he may send the fire of the Holy Spirit

upon his people,
so that we may bear faithful witness to his resurrection,
we pray to the Father.
Hear our prayer

Heavenly Father,
you have delivered us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of your Son:
grant that, as his death has recalled us to life,
so his continual presence in us

may raise us to eternal joy;
through Christ our Lord.





Be blessed.

Have hope.

Know that despite our failures,

despite our disappointments,

despite our brokenness,

Jesus is risen.

The joy of the Lord be your strength.



The Grace



Prayers of Approach, Thanksgiving and Confession

Glorious God of all,
You are the giver of new life,
You are the one to whom we owe each breath,
You are the reason for our hope.

Send Your enlivening spirit, be present with us as we

come close You,
seeking Your light to see what has been revealed
seeking Your warmth to set hearts aglow with Your love
seeking Your truth, that we might trust.
As we proclaim the Easter gospel,

that in You is life which conquers death,
make us anew Your beloved children.

God of bountiful blessing,
we thank You for the promise of Jesus Christ,
who is the Life by which we live,
and the perfection of Your holy glory.

We thank You for the faith to believe

that which we have not seen,
and for Your mercy upon us

as we clumsily grasp the significance of Your love.
We thank You for Your sustaining strength as we try to lead lives which reflect Your glory,
and for Your ever-present Spirit

as our guide, helper and advocate.
With thankful hearts we give You praise.

Merciful God,
We confess that too often we have lived lives of those        not worthy to be called Your children.
Though You are light,

we have preferred to lurk in shadow,
though You are truth,

we have made idols of lies and falsehood,
though You are love,

we have been hard of heart.
Too often You show us the Way,

and we have wandered far off course.                             

We turn to You with repentant hearts

and seek Your forgiveness.
We lay claim to your promise,

and pray that You will transform us, re-make us,
that we will live as Your children,

and by word, thought and deed,
we might lead lives worthy of subjects                              within Your kingdom of love, peace and mercy.


The Lord`s Prayer


Prayer of intercession

We offer our prayers for those whom

we trust will be fed by Your goodness:
who will be nourished by Your presence.

We pray for all people around the world in fear of  violence: acts of war and destruction committed in the midst of peaceful civilian lives.
Where terror has a grip, where violence dominates,
Lord, bring justice, bring peace.

We pray for those who know the harshness of natural disaster; where lives are lost in unpredictable catastrophe.
Where floods ruin crops,

where there will be no bountiful harvest this year;
we pray for generosity and provision for all Your people.

We pray for those who are of poor health.
We pray for those known to us,

where poor health prevents full living;
where pain is a daily reality;

where frailty causes bodies to falter.
Lord, give healing, give comfort, give perseverance.

We pray for those who mourn:
those who mourn lives that have been lost;
long lives well lived, which have come to an end;
and lives which had still much promise                          and feel to us to have ended far, far too soon.
We trust each life to You, saving God,
and we trust that each soul finds its home

in Your eternal love;
but for those who mourn, who know any loss;
give comfort, give reassurance,
give Your gentle presence in the lives of us still living.

We pray for all those growing:
for young people who so often are at the heart of a story of faith that we can overlook.
We trust them to Your nurturing,
and we pray that all those involved in the lives

of young people and children
will empower them to flourish today and tomorrow.

We lift all of these things to You now
offering the prayers of our own hearts;

trusting them to You now
in a moment of quietness,

[Pause for silent prayer]

In all our prayers,

we pray trusting in Your sure and certain promise,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,


The Dismissal

The peace of God                                                            which passes all understanding,                                      keep your hearts and minds                                         

in the knowledge and love of God                                    and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Go in the strength of God.


The Grace



Call to Worship


Jesus didn`t reject anyone.

Neither do we.                                                            

So whoever you are

and wherever you are on life’s journey,

you are welcome here.


On this Sunday, our service focuses upon the story of Jesus and the road to Emmaus, where Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to his companions, and their eyes were opened, and they recognised him.


As we gather today as Christ’s family, may we recognise Christ’s presence with us, and may God give us receptive hearts to meet him here and through the days ahead.


Let us worship God.


Prayer of Thanksgiving, Confession

and Assurance of Pardon


Living God, we praise you, you are indeed good. 

You hear both the cries and the whispers of our hearts. 

You know every aspect of our lives

and you still love us with unfailing love. 

You invite us to know you better, and we thank you for that privilege. 

Help us to embrace it every day of our lives.


God, you know how broken we can find ourselves sometimes, and we acknowledge that before you. 

Sometimes, like those on the road to Emmaus,

we do not recognise you. 

At other times we only realise much later on

that we were in your presence. 

Sometimes we never noticed you at all. 

If we have missed any opportunities to speak a word of healing or encouragement  to someone in need,

we are sorry God.

Receive His promise of forgiveness
and be released from the burdens which bind you,
so that you may open the doors of your hearts
and with confidence walk into the future
surrounded by Resurrection Hope.
In Jesus Name.   



The Lord`s Prayer


Prayers of Intercession


God of resurrection, God of hope
We pray for this world –

its fragility, its beauty and its pain.

Lord, You said that if people do not praise You
then even the stones would cry out –
in recognition of Jesus,

the source and centre of life for the world.


Holy Spirit
give us eyes to see and ears to hear
the connections between Creation and Jesus.

May we walk lightly on the Earth,
cherish our fellow creatures
and learn with Creation the ways of our Creator.

Lord, we lift our heads and our hearts to You


Lord, we pray for situations in the world
where there is injustice,
where people are oppressed

and are not free to live as God intends.
Where the forces of money and violence dictate,
Lord, come and set Your people free.

Where people's lives are choked with wealth
and where people struggle to live

in a world of perfect images
Lord, come and set Your people free.


For Your church –

We pray for our church
working out how to be God's people in an increasingly confusing and hostile context.

We pray for the direction of your Church.
May she walk humbly and hopefully in faith.
Grant wisdom and discernment in these challenging times.

May we know who and whose we are –
that our identity is found in the love of God.


We pray for situations in our community
where people are feeling stuck in a narrative
where things haven't worked out as they had hoped,
where there is gloominess and despondency.

May You grant us all the humility to go on changing
and the courage to be open to transformation
so that we can see Jesus in 2023.


Lord, where there are faithful people carrying burdens
Lord, send Your spirit and set them free

[In silence pray for those that come to mind]

Where there are people with gifts unused
Lord, send Your spirit and set them free.

Lord, we lift our heads and our hearts to You.


Generous God
We thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit
who makes Jesus real for us.
Help us this week to see with Your eyes,
to feel with Your heart
and to walk forward in faith.





As resurrection people,
Look for signs of the kingdom.

As resurrection people,
Walk by faith and not by sight.

As resurrection people,
Share the hope of the gospel.

As resurrection people,

Live in power of the Spirit.




May the companionship of Christ encourage you.
May the self-giving of Christ nourish you.
And may the joy of the resurrection
astound you and propel you into sharing with others
the good news of the gospel



Call to Worship

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come into God's presence with singing.                            Know that the Lord is God.
It is God that made us, and we are His;
we are God's people, and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter the gates with thanksgiving,
and God's courts with praise.
Give thanks to God, bless His name.                              For the Lord is good;
God's steadfast love endures for ever,
and His faithfulness to all generations.

Prayers of Approach and Confession

God of Peace,
who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
through the blood of an eternal covenant,
make us perfect in goodness
so that we may do Your will;
and create in us what is pleasing to You;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

Good Shepherd Jesus,
Your love opens the gate to life that all may go in.
Create within us Lord, a desire to do justice,
to love mercy and to walk humbly with You.

There have been times when we have wandered from Your way and not listened to Your voice,
easily led and taken with others.
Yet we believe You are the Gate
and that whoever enters by You, Jesus, will be saved,
and will come in and go out and find pasture.

Refresh and renew us in Your presence, we pray.
Open our ears and our hearts
to hear Your call anew in this time of worship today.
May we find in Your embrace forgiveness and joy
as our lives are re-purposed in Your service.
To the glory of Your name.                                              Amen

The Lord`s Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Holy Spirit, who moves within and among us,
around us and ahead,
we thank You for the fellowship we have in You.
You are the bond between us,
who breathes into the life of our community
that perfect unity of love that is one God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Inspire us, we humbly pray,
that in the life that we share together as a community of faith, as Church, people may know themselves loved as Jesus loves.

Lord, in Your mercy
Graciously hear us.

May we be communities of reconciliation,
seeking restorative justice, building bridges,
making connections, reaching out to others,
to the glory of Your holy name.
Especially we pray for people in challenging places;
in countries recovering from earthquake,
in places where there is war,
in situations where people have been hurt

by the actions of others,
and where relationships are fractured.
God of peace,
may the love with which the Good Shepherd

tends all the flock,
restore the image of God in us all.

Lord, in Your mercy
Graciously hear us.

Gracious God,
after whom every family on earth and heaven

takes its name,
we thank You for deep relationships,
for opportunities to give and to receive,
to listen and hear what another is saying,
to serve one another and celebrate every kindness.
In moments of silence we bring to You now

our thoughts and prayers
for those whom we, like the disciples,

bring to Jesus today
that he might bless them.


Lord, in Your mercy
Graciously hear us.

On this the Sunday before the Coronation of King Charles III we pray for His Majesty the King and for Camilla,

the Queen Consort.
May Your Spirit be with them

as they are affirmed in their responsibilities;
grant them joy and may many be encouraged

by their interest and concern.

We pray for all whose office and responsibilities

affect the lives of many,
for those who represent their country's interests,
that in all they do they may be mindful

of the wellbeing of every child of God.

Lord, in Your mercy
Graciously hear us.

Jesus, Crucified, Risen and Ascended Lord,
You intercede for us before the throne of God,
thanks be to You!

Holy Spirit You, help us to pray in sounds

too deep for words,
thanks be to You!

Creator of life, You call us to life anew;
thanks be to You!

These prayers we offer to the one

in whom we live and move and have our being,
to whom be all glory and praise.                                      Amen


Dismissal and Blessing

Go in peace and love

and care for another in the name of the Lord;

May God lead you to places of rest and renewal;

May Christ Jesus give you life in abundance;

May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts

with gladness and generosity,

both now and forevermore. 

And the blessing of God Almighty,

the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
be amongst you and remain with you always.











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