"The Church of the Warm Heart and the Open Mind"




WELCOME TO THE WEBSITE                                                          OF WALKDEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 


We are situated at the heart of the community, close to the crossroads  in the centre of town, between Walkden Gateway                                  and the Gill Medical Centre, opposite the Ellsemere Shopping Precinct.


As our Church Motto says, we seek to be                                            "a church with a warm heart and an open mind."

Some years ago the Church Meeting resolved that these fine words should be more than just a motto and so applied to register our church for Same Sex Marriages. Confirmation that we are legally authorised to conduct same-sex marriages was confirmed on the 21st of December 2016.

We were the first mainstream Christian Church in the City of Salford to offer this ministry.

We believe that for the Gospel to truly be "Good News"                          it must be a gospel of;

extravagant grace,

radical inclusion

and relentless compassion.                                                                            

To that end, we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds

and affirm that God`s love as revealed in Jesus Christ is for everyone and not just a chosen few.                                                                                                          You are welcome to join us for worship any Sunday morning at 11am and to get to know us better over a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. 




For PARTY BOOKINGS or HALL HIRE, see the menu bar below for the relevant contact details. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE MINISTER


Jesus didn`t reject anyone -

Neither do we - 

Whoever you are - 

Wherever you are on life`s journey -


You are welcome here!



Thank you to everyone who contributed to making our Advent and Christmas program so enjoyable and meaningful.

From the Advent Communion and the Dressing of the Tree to our Nine Lessons & Carols and Nativity, to the Christingle Service on Christmas Eve when there were over 70 in church.

We appreciate everyone`s participation and support.


The club resumed on January 18th with our customary New Year quiz hosted by the Minister. 

There were three rounds;

1. Match the Carol title at the line of lyrics

2. Christmas Customs -Food and Drink

3. Picture Round - British Sit-Coms through the years

Fliers containing the programm of speakers up to June are now available in the Coffee Room.


The group continues to meet on a Tuesday morning from 10am to 11am in the Coffee room and new members are welcome.


Over the recent Advent & Christmas period we displayed the banner provided by Churches Together inviting the public to join us for worship over the Christmas Season.

The monthly Prayer Breakfast which for many years focussed solely on schools, is now open to intercessions for the community, the nation and the world.

So whatever issue is on your heart and mind, why not come along and join us in prayer, preceded by a light breakfast and a time of fellowship. 

The Minister attended the first gathering on January 8th at Bethany Church.

The next Prayer Breakfast is at Our Lady and Lancashire Martyrs on February 4th at 8.30am.


The Week of Prayer or Octave of Prayer ran from Wednesday January 18th-25th.

The Churches Together Service to mark the week was held at Bethany Church on Sunday January 22nd at 3pm.


We remember those who cannot be with us

because of age or infirmity.

We also think of those who are awaiting operations,

tests or test results.

Dorothy Coxon

Dorothy Tomkinson

Helen Sharpe


and all others in any kind of need.

"I am the Lord that healeth thee" Exodus 15 vs. 26


The Minister has participated in the following;

* Churches Together Monthly Prayer Breakfast at Bethany             Church on Saturday January 7th.

* Leading worship and playing at Heaton Mersey Congregational     Church, January 8th 10.45am. 

* Leading worship, playing and celebrating Communion at             Affetside Congregational Church, January 8th 2.30pm.

* Online meeting of National Ecumenical Officers in Britain and       Ireland, January 9th.

* Churches Together AGM at Our Lady & Lancashire Martyrs,         January 16th.

* Third Wednesday Club New Year Quiz, January 18th.

* Deacons Meeting, January 18th.

* Lead worship Greenacres Congregational Church Oldham,           January 22nd.

* National Ecumenical Officers Meeting, London, January 23rd.

* Walkden Clergy Fraternal, Christ the King, January 25th.

* Outreach & Engagement Meeting, Wharton and Cleggs Lane       Church, January 26th.

* Lead worship at Springhead Congregational Church Oldham,      January 29th.

* Chair online meeting of the NW Area Executive, January 31st.

The Minister undertakes pastoral visits to the housebound, those in nursing homes and those ill at home or in hospital.

The Minister continues to prepare and post Weekly Letters and Prayers, update the church website and suppport the weekly Coffee Morning and the monthly Third Wednesday Club.


There was a good turnout for our meeting in February when the speaker was Judith Atkinson, who gave an illustrated talk on "Canals beneath Walkden".


In recent years and months we have been greatly encouraged by the number of new families and individuals who have started to join us on Sunday morning.

We have seen the average attendance rise and this Sunday past, February 19th we were very pleased to reach over 40.

The church was full apart from a few spare chairs on the front row and we had to erect an additional table to accomodate people at Church Lunch following worship.

We give God glory for what He is doing among us!


The Minsiter has participated in the following;

* CF online Safeguarding Course, February 1st. 

* Churches Together Prayer Breakfast, Lancashire Martyrs             RC Church, February 4th.

* Communion for Candlemas, Affetside Chapel, February 5th.

* Funeral Service for Thomas Watt, Overdale Crematorium,           Bolton, February 7th.

* Ecumenical guest at the Catenians Dinner, The Club House,         Irlam, February 9th. The Catenians are a Catholic Laymen`s       organization.

* Guest of Affetside Chapel at their annual dinner,

   The Cherry Tree, Balckrod, February 10th.

* Lead worship at Hope Congregational Church, Oldham,               February 12th.

* Host the Third Wednesday Club at church, February 15th.

* Chair Deacons Meeting, February 22nd.

* Funeral Service for Kathleen Lloyd-Roberts, Heaton Mersey         Congregational Church and Manchester Crematorium.                 February 23rd. 

The Minister undertakes pastoral visits to the housebound, those in nursing homes and those ill at home or in hospital.

The Minister continues to prepare and post Weekly Letters and Prayers, update the church website and suppport the weekly Coffee Morning and the monthly Third Wednesday Club.


Alan underwent surgery at Rochdale Infirmary on February 24th, to have his gallbladder removed.

During his recuperation he is very grateful to Christine and Lynn who will be leading worship on March 5th and 15th.

Communion will not be observed in March

but will be celebrated on April 9th, Easter Sunday.

Alan will be back in the pulpit on Palm Sunday, April 2nd.


The montly Prayer Breakfast in March was at Bethany Church on Saturday March 4th at 8.30am.

Walkden Methodist Church hosted the World Day of Prayer Service on Friday March at 7.30pm.


The March meeting is on the 15th when Dr Eric Lupton will entertain us with his talk, "The lives and music of Rogers and Hart". Dr Lupton will illustate his talk with musical offerings on the keyboard.


The Annual General Meeting took place following our Palm Sunday worship on April 2nd.

Reports were recieved from:

* The Church Secretary

   (including Party Bookings and Church Flowers

* The Treasurer (including Halls Lettings)

* The Pulpit Secretary

* The Bible Study & Prayer Group Leader

* The Minister

Tributes were paid to all those who contibute to the work and witness of our church.

Giving has increased but we have not yet fully recovered from the pandemic as far as halls lettings is concerned.

We noted with gratitude how that the numbers at worship have effectively doubled in recent years and that the presence of young families has not only enhanced out multi-racial profile but also dramatically lowered the average age range! 

We are making good progress updating our safguarding provisions, with new DBS checks being organised etc.

We look forward to formally welcoming new members at our Pentecost Service in May, as has the custom in recent years.

The current Deacons and Office Bearers were re-elected we were delighted that Lee Wynn was elected as a new Deacon.

Lee is a relatively new member of the church and has already shown his willingness to serve by leading our new Bible Study & Prayer Group.

We welcome him aboard!


We were pleased to welcome back Brian Halliwell to our April meeting, where he continued his series on The Golden Age of Comedy.


Everyone is very welcome at the following services and events over the Easter weekend:

April 7th 10am:

Good Friday Reflection in Church

April 7th 10.45am:

Churches Together Good Friday Walk of Witness

from Walkden Town Centre to Little Hulton Precinct

for a service at 11.30am.

If the weather is unfavourable, the service will take place in the Parish Hall at St Paul`s Peel.

April 9th 6.15am:

Churches Together

Easter Dawn Service Blackleach Country Park

Followed by breakfast

at St Johns Parish Centre

April 9th 11am:

Easter Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord`s Supper

Celebrant and Preacher

Rev Alan Kennedy


The Minister would like to thank those members who sent cards, messages, offered to do shopping at M&S or brought gifts during his recouperation following surgery. It was very much appreciated.

The Minister has participated in the following:

* Churches Together in England Enabling Group two day                   conference in Hertfordshire, March 23rd-24th.

* Congregational Federation Church Support Group meeting in           Nottingham, March 25th.

* Churches Together in Walkden & District meeting at Bethany           Church, March 27th.

* CF NW ARea Executive meeting at our church, March 28th.

* Outreach and Engagement meeting at Wharton & Cleggs Lane         Church, March 30th.

* Conducted worship at Flowery Field Church Hyde, April 2nd.

* Churches Together in Walkden, Good Froday Walk of Witness and     Service at Little Hulton Precinct, April 7th.

* Churches Together Easter Dawn Service, Blackleach Country           Park.

* Easter Communion at Affetside Congregational Church.

* 50th Anniversary Service of the United Reformed Church,               Methodist Central Hall London, April  15th.

* National Ecumenical Instruments Zoom meeting April 17th.

* Conducted worship at Cadishead Congregational Church, April         23rd.

* Chaired an annual Student review Interview at Northern College     Luther King House Manchester, April 24th.

* Walkden Clergy Fraternal, Christ the King, April  25th.

* Chaired a Deacons Meeting, April 25th.

The Minister undertakes pastoral visits to the housebound, those in nursing homes and those ill at home or in hospital.

The Minister continues to prepare and post Weekly Letters and Prayers, update the church website and suppport the weekly Coffee Morning and the monthly Third Wednesday Club.


Community Coffee Morning May 5th 10am-12

Those attending Coffee Morning received a special pocket sized edition of John`s Gospel to mark the Coronation.

Sunday Service May 7th 11am

Those attending church, in addition to the copy of John`s Gospel

received a commemorative booklet "God Save the King" by Roger Carswell and Alan Marsden.

A Time Capsule was buried on our grounds after after being placed in the ground by Zion, one of our younger members.

Royal Refreshments including some delicious homebaked cakes were served.


The May meeting sees the return of Joanne Halliwell.

Following her routine as A Humble Scullery Maid, Joanne will entertain us with her latest persona The Lady of the House.


The Minister has participated in the following: 

* Outreach & Engagement Meeting at Wharton & Cleggs Lane         Church, April 27th.

* Funeral of the late Margaret Broome at Agecroft Crematorium,     April 28th.

* Conducted worship and played at Springhead Congregational       Church Oldham, April 30th.

* Churches Together Prayer Breakfast at Our Lady & Lancashire     Martyrs Church, May 6th.

* Celebrated Communion at Flowery Field Free Christian Church     Hyde, May 7th.

* Meeting with our Safeguarding Lead, May 10th.

* Congregational Federation Assembly in Taunton May 11th-14th

   including a meeting of the Inter Church Board on May 12th         and playing keyboards for the Assembly May 13th.

* Zoom meeting of the Ecumenical Officers for England Scotland     and Wales, May  15th.

* Third Wednesday Club, May 17th at 2pm.

* Chaired the NW Area Spring Assembly at Padfield                       Congregational Church, May 20th.

* Pastoral visit regarding a funeral, May  22nd.

* Local Clergy Fraternal at Christ the King RC Church,

   May 23rd at 11am.

* Celebrated Communion at Affetside Congregational Church,         May 28th 2.30pm.

* Conducted the funeral of the late Dorothy Massey,

   Stockport Crematorium, June 9th 2.30pm.

* Conducted worship and played at Heaton Mersey                       Congregational Church, June 11th at 10.45am.

* Celebrated Chapel Anniversary and Communion Service at

   Affetside Cpngregational Church, JUne 11th at 2.30pm.

* Participated in an online meeting of National Ecumenical             Officers in UK & the Republic of Ireland, June 12th.

* Chaired a meeting of the NW Area Executive at Carnforth           Congregational Church, June 13th.

* Conducted a Service for Fathers Day at Flowery Field Free           Christian Church, Hyde June 18th at 2.30pm.

* Meeting of Churches Together in Walkden and District,

   Our Lady and Lancahire Martyrs, June 19th.

The Minister undertakes pastoral visits to the housebound,

those in nursing homes and those ill at home or in hospital.

The Minister continues to prepare and post Weekly Letters and Prayers, update the church website and suppport the weekly Coffee Morning and the monthly Third Wednesday Club.


The North West Area Assembly was held at Padfield Congregational Church on Saturday May 20th.

Tea and coffee was be served from 10am

with the meeting commencing at 10.30am.

The business of the Area was carried out in the morning session.

Lunch was provided.

In the afternoon Sophia Kamara told us of her recent visit to India and the Rev Foday Kamara spoke about his new role as Area Church Support Worker. 


Due to a change in Lee`s work pattern, the Bible Study & Prayer Group meeting time has changed from Tuesdays at 10am

to Thursdays at 2pm.


On Pentecost , as is our custom, the Minister extended the Right Hand of Fellowship to new members.

We were pleased to received four new members this time;

Esther Bello

Florence Babatunde

Comfort Janfa

Yenkat Yakubu 

We wish these ladies a long and fruitful association with our church.


The new Hymnal Plus device has been in use for now for some time in place of CDs, when Alan is not here to play the organ.

We also have new speakers and a renewed loop sysytem.

Copies of the latetst version of Mission Praise, both standard size and large print, as well as full music editions for the organ have been purchased.

We are planning to dedicate all of these in a special service on Sunday August 20th, followed by Church lunch.


Members and visitors will have notices how well the grounds at the front of church have been looking recently.

This is due, in no small measure to Lee Wynn and Ian Gibson who have assumed reponsibility for the upkeep.

They have creative plans to enhance the grounds and create something we hope to name The King`s Garden.

The minister is looking into local funding for the project.

So "Watch this space", as they say!


The group will be taking a break during August

and will resume on September 7th at 2pm.


Our Friday Coffee Mornings are also paused for the month of August to give our hard-working voluneteers

a well deserved rest.

Community Coffee resumed on Friday September 1st,

10am-12 noon.

We are always happy to welcome new names on the rota of those willing to serve on on a Friday. Please speak to the Minister or Christine Potter if you can help.


Further to a recent mention on the webiste, the minister has sourced and installed new batteries in the defibs and the devices have been have been placed back in their cabinets.

Thank you to John Grfiffin for installing new batteries in the cabinet in the Coffee Room.


The Minister has participated in the following:

* Chaired the Deacons Meeting, June 20th.

* Third Wednesday Club, June 21st.

* Conducted worship at Hope Congregational Church Oldham         June 25th.

* Attended a Service of Welcome for the new Bishop of Bolton       at Manchester Cathedral, June 25th.

* National Ecumenical Officers Meeting, Lutheran HQ London,         June 28th.

* Conducted worship at First Presbyterian Church Belfast,

   July 16th.

* Walkden Clergy Fraternal, July 18th.

* Conducted worship at Affetside Congregational Church,

   July 23rd.

* Attended the Ordination and Induction of Rev Walt Johnson at     St Andrew and st George`s United Reformed Church Bolton,       July 29th.

* Conducted worship at St Andrew and St George`s United           Reformed Church Bolton, July 30th.

* Chaired a Deacons Meeting, August 1st.

* Ordered and installed new batteries in the defibrillators.

* Supported St John`s Coffee Morning, August 5th.

* Celebrated Communion at Flowery Field Church Hyde,

   August 6th.

* Conducted a wedding rehearsal at Flowery Field Church Hyde,     August 6th.

* Conducted a wedding at Flowery Field Church Hyde,

   August 12th.

* Celebrated Communion and played at Hope Congregational         Church Oldham, August 13th.

* Celebrated Communion and played at Affetside Chapel, Bury

   August 20th.

The Minister undertakes pastoral visits to the housebound,

those in nursing homes and those ill at home or in hospital.

The Minister continues to prepare and post Weekly Letters and Prayers, update the church website/Facebook page and suppport the weekly Coffee Morning and the monthly Third Wednesday Club.


We remember:

Dorothy Coxon in Pendleton Court.

Lesley Payne in the Stroke Unit Bolton Royal Hospital.

Barbara in Hospice care on Guernsey.

Christine`s sister

John Griffin

Lynsey, a young woman from Northern Ireland, who is undergoing treatment for bowel cancer.

All those known to us in any kind of need.


Our Harvest Service was held on September 17th followed by Church Lunch.

As usual we supported the local foodbank and our donations were delivered to Wharton & Cleggs Lane Churhc on September 19th when the minister and deacons, Christine, Dorothy and Lynn stayed for lunch at the church`s Grapevine Cafe.


A creative workshop following Sunday Worship

was held on September 24th to collect handprints from everyone who comes to church in order to create a banner which represents our growing congregation.

A lovely buffet lunch was provided so there was no reason to disappear after worship.

The event was well supported and we are very grateful to everyone especially those who organised everything to do with the banner as well as those who provided the food.

Thank you all!


We don`t single out individuals for birthday mentions on the website but we think that in the case of our good friend Derrick Lee, we can make an exception.

Derrick will be 98 on Monday September 11th.

At Community Coffee on Friday September 8th Derrick cut a cake donated by his friends and we all sang Happy Birthday. 

There are photos of Derrick cutting the cake on the church`s Facebook page.


A big thank-you to everyone who supported ur Macmillan Coffee Morning on  October 6th. A special thanks to those who provided cakes and scones to supplement the usual biscuits.

As a result of our efforts, including donations, we have been able to write a cheque for £400 for Macmillan.


November 15th saw the last meeting of the club for this year.

We were pleased to welcome Chris Makpeace who spoke to us

in the subject "A Victorian Manchester Christmas".

Afterwards we enjoyed warm mince pies and assorted Lebkuchen.

The Minister presented Audrey and Betty with a card and small gift each on behalf of the club for their work throughout the year, collecting donations and booking speakers.

The first meeting of 2024 will be on January 17th and will take the form of a New Year Quiz, hosted by the Minister.


The Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast planned for December 2nd at Our Lady & Lancashire Martyrs, was cancelled because of bad weather.

There will be a Churches Together Carol Singing outreach outside Tesco on Sunday December 10th from 2pm-3.30pm.

Everyone is welcome.


We have received a letter of thanks from Wrap Up Salford for our gernerous donation of warm winter coats for the homeless and other vulnerable people.

Thank you to all those who helped.


December 3rd saw the Dressing of the Tree and Advent Communion Service.

December 10th was our Festival of Nine Lesons and Carols. Thank you to our readers.

December 17th is the All Age Nativity at 11am.

For those willing to take part, there will will be two rehearsals;

Saturday 16th at 10.00am

Sunday 17th at 10.15am

December 24th Christmas Eve is the Christingle Service at 4pm.

December 31st New Years Eve Service at 11am